☕Starbucks Morning
Playlist #37: real starbucks ambiance; asian food cooking asmr; study with me; and more.
Have you ever tried home swapping?
Platforms like Home Exchange (this is not a sponsorship, just me sharing cool stuff) allow you to travel for (almost) nothing.
It works like this:
Whenever you’re not home, you can let travelers crash at your place for free. This allows you to earn Guest Points, that you can use to “rent” someone else’s home through Home Exchange.
This is a fantastic way to travel. I think it’s better than using Airbnb because you know that people will respect your home and treat it like theirs. At the month’s end, I plan to list my home on the platform and take my first bookings. I’ll let you know how it goes :)
This Week’s Playlist
You’ll definitely feel like you’re working at a coffee shop with a real Starbucks ambiance, coffee ASMR, and my favorite: Asian food cooking ASMR! It’s the yummiest and most mesmerizing video I’ve watched in a while. Enjoy!
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On My Bookshelf
20, The Defining Decade by Meg Jay — Psychologist Meg Jay works with patients in their twenties. Based on her research, she explains why your twenties are a “defining decade” and how to take full advantage of them. It’s one of the most life-changing books I’ve ever read — gift it to any twenty-something you know.
Improv(e) Your Conversations by Patrick King — Definitely not the best book I’ve ever read, but the author offers some useful tips to develop new or existing relationships through conversation. King’s tips are built on well-known improv comedy techniques. It’s a nice read for people who are not familiar with improv comedy, but it’ll be redundant to those who are.
100 Queer Poems, an anthology by M. J. Chan and A. McMillan — My sister bought this for me in a London bookstore (you know how much I love London’s bookstores). So far I really enjoy it — strongly recommend it.
Thanks for reading.
See you next week,
— Alicia